Monday, February 1, 2010

Matt the Photographer

Matt randomly picked up the pink block of Styrofoam the camera was ducktaped to, fiddling objectively, as his hands felt empty without the normal professional style camera slung around his neck. He pointed the camera up at at Claire, as she was the one standing nearest, and twisted his head back to see the display on the netbook behind them. He jittered it around a few times, but to no avail.

"Aw. The camera's not working." He stated, a slight note of disappointment audible in his voice.

"As you have that pointed at my boobs right now," Claire responded with fake hostility, "It better not!"

Matt dropped the camera like a hot coal, blushing slightly, and the room burst out into laughter. The moment was made all the more hilarious, as Matt had been stating mere moments earlier that even if the rest of the team made constant sex jokes with no regard towards her, at the very least he respected Claire.

"We see what you do." Enmar laughed from the other side of the table, looking up from the robot.

"So that's your kind of photography!" James added a little bit too loudly.

Claire just rolled back on her stool, laughing and gasping for breath.


Best. Moment. Ever. I felt the need to share.
The exact words are slightly tweaked, as this happened over an hour ago and I can't remember them perfectly. But you get the general idea.

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