I'm not a car person. I don't talk cars. I don't understand cars. I couldn't tell you the engine from the transmission. I don't even know what a transmission is.
But I adore trucks. I looove large vehicles. The feeling you get driving and riding them is amazing, and the knowledge that you could crush that little Honda Civic like a bug is just awesome.
James' mom has a Hummer.
It can climb steep inclines. It's got huge wheels. The vibrations going over speed bumps are almost nonexistent. It has a Bose sterio system.
I'm pretty sure I salivated.
And then I remembered my brother saying we should trade in his truck for a fuel efficient car so I have something to drive. And nearly teared up.
Why does no one understand? Why is it I'm expected to drive some sort of "chic car"? Why aren't girls supposed to love trucks? Because the world's not effing fair, that's why.
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