Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'm Mad at God Right Now

Fuck this "circle of life" crap. It still sucks when someone you know and love has to die.

It's not fair. It's not cool when an innocent kid who's never intentionally hurt anyone in his life, who is the sweetest person ever, gets the death sentance.

For what?


Because his body doesn't work quite right?

That's not fair.

The good people should get long lives. They shouldn't have to die young while our prisons are clogging up with people who are still alive and kicking but have no regret for what they've done (the other ones are okay. I don't mind if they're there thinking about themselves and changing and all that crap).

Hell. He deserves to live more then I do.

This isn't cool, God. This isn't cool.

But please, please don't let him be in pain.

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