I hate finals week. I really, really, just hate finals week. Not with the same brightly burning passion that I hate child abuse or government torture, but more of a dull, consistent ache that eats away at my health and never truly goes away.
This is the point in time where I realize how completely screwed I am in Science, even though I'm working really hard, and on top of that, how I totally forgot we had a take-home-test over the weekend. This is the time where I break down into tears roughly three or four times a day. (Today was three, if you were wondering.)
Most people may think I'm being irrational and stupid. They would look at my mostly-A's-except-for-that-one-C-in-an-Honors-class report card and ask me what the hell my problem is. The thing is, I care about school. I care a huge fucking ton. It's important to me as the one thing I can consistently do well in. I have a talent for soaking up knowledge. Now, I don't always put that talent to good use, and finals week is the time I am given to fully and completely regret it.
Plus, putting the pressure of studying for that many tests in such a short time span doesn't seem fair. Come on, I have ALL of my finals on the same day this time around. That's not fair. That's worse then not fair, that's just plain dirty.
I feel as if I am being kicked when I'm already down. I haven't had a good nights sleep in three weeks (Robotics. It's an obsesion. That and the N.E.R.D. group.) and now this is thrown at me. I'm two nanometers from cracking.
At least I learned enough LabView today to be able to decipher code in a coherent string of thought. That's one victory.
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