Saturday, November 27, 2010

"No Bra" Review... Part Two.

Go read the first part of the review, then read this.



.........I give up.

I'm a total woobie. And a sucker for happily-ever-afters.

No Bra ended well. With Masato realizing he was a total asshole, repenting, and working hard to help Yuki in the face of public scorn. Masato ended up happily and monogamously with Kaori. Hideki got a cute girfriend. Yuki learned to appreciate and accept herself, and live as a girl by her own power, confidently.

The ending was kind of cheesy.

But it was really happy.

And exactly what I asked for.

I'm not sure I can overlook the faults of the... entire... freaking... middle... of this manga, but it's not the worst thing I've ever read. There were some characterization parts that I really enjoyed, I just absolutely loathed the main character. When he reformed into a not-entirely-decent-but-trying-his-hardest guy... Well, my biggest complaints were solved.

I'm not sure I can say I enjoyed No Bra. Actually, there is a 1.8K review of scorn located directly below this post which claims, quite clearly, that I did not enjoy No Bra.

But I still like Yuki, Hideki, and Mizutani-sensei. I think the idealistic ending is encouraging, in it's own slightly-pathetic way. I would never tell a friend to read No Bra, but I can't say I'm hideously worse off for reading it myself.

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