Sunday, October 3, 2010

Scott Pilgrim (The Comic Books)

Y'know what? I love Scott Pilgrim. I *LOVE* Scott Pilgrim. It's a comic book, if you're wondering. Six books long. I picked up the first in a book store the other day, and like, I had no money so I didn't get to finish it. This led me to... uh... *not* pirate all six volumes through downloading them off of a torrent's mirror. Anyways.

Let me say it again.


I just finished it? Can you tell? I love it, by the way, if I haven't mentioned that already. I mean, I didn't like the art at all at first. And I have to admit the art really was kind of sloppy in the first volume, but it was different so I thought I'd give it a try. And the writing is good. Really good. Like, it's this weird clash between a story and a comic and a video game, yeah? It's sort of crazy and rediculouse while manageing to feel real and worthwhile at the same time. That is a really odd and possibly unique mix.

My favorite character is Wallace.

I think the ending was perfect.

*spoiler alert*
I totally didn't notice when Stephen Stills came out in Volume 5, I mean, I had my suspitions, but I didn't give it much thought because I was so engrossed in Scott's head (and he was having other issues). So in that last scene with Stephan Stills and Joseph at the end of book six? My face mirrored Scott's. I had a total fangirl freak out, and then I laughed my ass of at the last panel of that page ("God, I hate your friends." ... "Seriously, get new ones.").

Yes. So. go read it. If you need a download link just ask. |D I can not give one out on my blog for fear of the legal implications of such an act.

On a related note, I really love fiction with legitimate gay characters. I mean, fiction that ISN’T Yaoi or Yuri by trade, but just happens to have gay characters in it as well as straight characters. They tend to have more realistic portrayals, and I love that. Love love it.

It’s late, I’m giddy on comic-high, I need to go to bed. XD Ciao.

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